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Is Invisalign Faster than Braces?

Woman putting on clear aligners.

Invisalign offers a wonderful approach to modern orthodontics. With customized clear plastic aligners, Invisalign is a way to achieve a straight, healthy smile without the need for more invasive treatments like braces. But is it faster than braces? Invisalign is faster than braces by several months. Typically, Invisalign takes around 6-18 months to fully straighten […]

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What Does a Full Dental Exam Include?

A dentist reviews their patient's X-ray results with them.

Regular dental exams are a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of maintaining good oral health and preventing issues before they become problems. A full dental exam typically includes a few different components: Whether it’s your first visit to the dentist or a seasoned patient, understanding what a complete dental exam includes can make your visit […]

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Why Do My Teeth Hurt After Flossing?

Man flossing his front bottom teeth.

Daily flossing is an integral part of a healthy oral hygiene routine. But sometimes, pain or discomfort after flossing could make us less likely to follow through. Your teeth can hurt after flossing for several reasons, including inflamed gums (and potentially gum disease), incorrect flossing technique, and less visible issues like cavities. Pain after flossing […]

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