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Why Do My Teeth Hurt After Flossing?

Man flossing his front bottom teeth.

Daily flossing is an integral part of a healthy oral hygiene routine. But sometimes, pain or discomfort after flossing could make us less likely to follow through. Your teeth can hurt after flossing for several reasons, including inflamed gums (and potentially gum disease), incorrect flossing technique, and less visible issues like cavities. Pain after flossing […]

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Solea Laser Dentistry: What Is It?

A dentist with a violet coloured latex glove using a dental laser on her patient's teeth.

Solea laser dentistry uses a special dental laser to perform dental procedures that usually require a drill. It can be an effective alternative for those who are worried about discomfort from needles and drills or suffer from dental anxiety. It can also be used to address snoring and sleep apnea. Like any medical procedure, Solea […]

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