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What Does a Full Dental Exam Include? in Surrey

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A dentist reviews their patient's X-ray results with them.

Regular dental exams are a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of maintaining good oral health and preventing issues before they become problems. A full dental exam typically includes a few different components:

  • Physical oral examination by the dentist
  • Professional cleaning
  • X-rays
  • 3D scans 

Whether it’s your first visit to the dentist or a seasoned patient, understanding what a complete dental exam includes can make your visit less intimidating and more effective. One thing to note is that a comprehensive dental exam appointment may not be the same for everyone, as we’re all unique individuals with varying needs.

The Importance of Regular Dental Exams

Regular dental exams are not just about keeping your teeth clean—they are essential to your overall health. The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) recommends that most people get a full dental exam and cleaning every 6 months. But this is a recommendation, and you should follow your dentist’s recommendations for exam frequency as they’re familiar with your unique needs.

These exams help in the early detection of dental issues that could lead to more severe problems if left untreated. Dental health is intrinsically linked to your overall health. Conditions like gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

By prioritizing regular dental exams, you’re not just maintaining a bright smile but also taking a proactive step toward a healthier life. Think of your dentist as your partner in health. Through these regular visits, you build a relationship that allows your provider to tailor advice and treatment plans specifically for you. This personalized approach can make a world of difference in achieving optimal oral health.

Plus, regular dental exams save you money in the long run by monitoring potential issues and treating them before they become problematic and costly. 

Overview of a Full Dental Exam

A full dental exam is a comprehensive evaluation of your oral health. Unlike a quick check-up, a full exam involves several steps designed to give a complete picture of your mouth’s condition. From your teeth and gums to your jaw and soft tissues, nothing is left unchecked.

During a full dental exam, your dentist will perform various procedures, including x-rays, oral cancer screenings, and gum health assessments. Each step serves a unique purpose and provides valuable information about different aspects of your oral health.

While discovering a cavity can be part of the exam, that’s not their primary purpose. A full dental exam can reveal issues like gum disease, bone loss, and even early signs of systemic health issues. By understanding what to expect, you can go into your appointment feeling informed and prepared.

Common Parts of a Full Dental Exam

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for your next dental exam, as it can vary slightly from visit to visit. The order of steps may also vary depending on your needs and specific reasons for visiting.

Physical Examination

The dental exam usually begins with a thorough visual inspection of your mouth. Your dental professional will look for any signs of decay, gum disease, or other abnormalities. This initial examination sets the stage for more detailed assessments.

Your gums are just as important as your teeth. The dentist can evaluate your gum health by checking for signs of gum disease, such as redness, swelling, and bleeding. Healthy gums are the foundation of a healthy mouth.

Oral cancer screening is a crucial part of the dental exam. Your dentist can check for any signs of cancerous or precancerous conditions in your mouth. Early detection is critical to effective treatment and a better prognosis.

Another essential part of the examination is assessing how your teeth come together when you bite. Misalignment can lead to issues like tooth wear and jaw pain. A bite analysis helps identify these problems and guide appropriate treatment.

A close-up picture of a dentist examining a woman's teeth for signs of cavities or tooth decay.


X-rays are often an integral part of the dental exam. They provide a detailed view of areas not visible to the naked eye, such as your teeth, roots, and jawbone. X-rays help detect issues like cavities, bone loss, and impacted teeth. X-rays aren’t necessarily required every visit, but your dentist will keep you informed if they think you need one. 

3D Scans 

As technology advances, traditional X-rays can become outdated. That’s why dentists increasingly use scanning devices to take comprehensive 3-dimensional images of your smile. Scanners like iTero—what we use at Genesis Dental— can create detailed images of your mouth in minutes and help dentists efficiently produce comprehensive treatment plans. iTero even offers a time-lapse feature to help show how your smile could transform throughout treatment. Great for orthodontics, restoration, and oral surgery, scanners are designed to be efficient and comfortable.  

At Genesis Dental, we offer a complementary iTero scan to all new patients and, based on your treatment plan, perform regular follow-up scans every 1-2 years. 

Teeth Cleaning

Professional cleaning is often included as part of a complete dental exam. It involves removing tartar and plaque buildup, polishing teeth, and providing fluoride treatment to help strengthen your enamel. 

Dental cleanings are great for your hygienist to review and recommend changes to your at-home cleaning routine, including adjustments to your brushing or flossing technique. 

Book Your Next Dental Exam

Skipping dental exams can lead to undiagnosed issues that require more invasive treatments later. At Genesis Dental, we believe wholeheartedly in preventative dentistry rather than reactive treatments. So, regular visits can help you avoid potential problems, saving you time, money, and discomfort in the long run.

Building a routine of regular dental exams fosters a proactive approach to oral health. It becomes easier to address concerns early and maintain a high standard of dental care, contributing to your overall well-being.Call us today at Genesis Dental to book your next exam. We’re happy to get you in to see one of our experienced dentists to keep your smile happy and healthy.

Written by Dr. Sipra Gohel

Known to her patients as Dr. G, Dr. Sipra Gohel is a New York University-trained dentist who brings her many years of experience to our practice.
Dr. G’s career started while being raised in Houston, Texas, where she first explored the field of dentistry as a dental assistant. Hard work and her broad experience led to an acceptance at the New York University College of Dentistry, one of North America’s most fast-paced and prestigious dental colleges.
Upon completing her degree, Dr. G pursued her residency in general dentistry at Brooklyn Hospital. She subsequently spent the next 5 years in New York working in the boroughs of the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan. She credits these busy settings and tremendously diverse spectrum of patients and their related dental care with providing her with the experience to become the dentist she is today.

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